Okay so THIS is my final post. I just wanted to say a quick summary of my thoughts and feelings about the course. Going into the course I wasn’t sure what to expect. I didnt know if we would be intensly studying traditional aboriginal art, and discussing the cosmology in depthly or if it was more exploritory and we could look into different things. It was definately the latter, which is really good in most ways. I really got to follow my mind and just read and write about where my thoughts led me which was great. At some times I felt a bit lost and undirected but then you just find something new and explore that!
After the whole semester I feel much more aware of Indigenous culture around me and much more interested in it. I have a deeper appreciation for aboriginal art now too and I feel familiar with many of the well known Indigenous artists. Which I guess is what this course is about, making us more aware of our traditional Australian culture in hopes that we might grow to appreciate it and support it in any way. 
Overall I am glad that I had to do this subject as I think it is really important that we as Australians never forget, or become oblivious to the beautiful indigenous culture that is a part of our past present and future.